What on earth is a 'sitter session'?
It's really just a version of 6 month milestone session.... but better!
I am not a big fan of putting a definitive time stamp on a milestone sessions with little ones. Raising babies is hard enough, we don't need another thing to feel guilty about, or behind on while we're doing it - am I right?
Im going to let you in on a little secret... I have four kids... do you know how many of them have a completed baby book? ZERO! In fact I think I only attempted even buying a baby book for two of them. Do you know what they do have? A lot of photos of each of them and a plenty of quality time with their mama.
So let me dive into the perks of having a sitter session as a milestone moment for your little one (and the perfect session to plan for if you have a membership with me.) The ideal time for a sitter session is 7 - 8 months. They can usually sit a little more confidently on their own, maybe they've started crawling a little bit, and most definitely we are starting to see their little personalities shine through. Usually they are learning all kinds of new tricks we can get them to show off... sticking out their tongue, blowing raspberries, giving mama sloppy slobbery kisses. Most importantly this is the perfect time to capture you too, mom! If little one has siblings I don't recommend they come to this session... I think these are best kept for just parents and baby, or just mom and baby. Take the time to just enjoy the session together one on one. Relax into it and let me guide you through a morning together where we just enjoy your tiny human while they are still little. It flies by so fast, you will not regret having these moments to look back on together.