If you are having a family reunion.... book the photographer!
This is not a shameless sales pitch. This is from years of experience. How often do you gather together all of your loved ones? For most of us it's just a handful of times in a lifetime... for a wedding, or the big birthdays, or the really special anniversary year. There will come a day when you will loose people that you cannot replace in your life and I promise you the first thing you will reach for is photos of them. You will wonder why you didn't take more with them.... or just of them. So yeah... book the photographer, coordinate the outfits (I promise to help), and don't listen to anyone who says they aren't photogenic enough... its not true!
Every single wrinkle and beauty mark is a love note from a hundred love stories and sacrifices of every parent and grand parent that came before you. Honor it. Pass it down with pride. You are worthy of being remembered!